Diving Into Wildlife

"Diving Into Wildlife" is a book of images by nature photographer Hussain Aga Khan, who is supporting conservation issues through his foundation, Focused on Nature. The book was created to accompany exhibits of Hussain's larger body of work which includes terrestrial natural history as well as the marine images featured in this special, limited edition.

Client: Focused on Nature
Role: Art direction, design and production


The photographs are two image ratios (different cameras), which was a complex challenge for my usual approach of basing the grid on the common geometrics of a universal, uncropped image. The solution was to allow the (single page, larger, uncropped) images to push to the outside of the page, defining the outer edges (top, side, bottom). Then where the two different widths, fell into the center of the spread, a common grid (16 columns) was defined. Click on the grids below to enlarge.

16 column image grid

Text grid